Busy Bea Home Inspection, LLC
"Inspected Once, Inspected Right!"
Central Louisiana's Respected Home Inspector
"Anyone else is just looking around."

Louisiana Home Inspections:
Alexandria, Ball, Boyce, Bunkie, Colfax, Dry Prong, Forest Hill, Hineston, Jena, Jonesville, Lecompte, Mansura, Marksville, Montgomery, Natchtoches, Olla, Pineville, Pollock, Winnfield -CENLA
I generate easy-to-read inspection reports, complete with narrative explanations and pictures.
I own and use state-of-the-art equipment, such as a digital level measure and infrared camera.
I have tools, knowledge, and experience.
I hold high standards of integrity and honesty.
I believe that my reputation is worth more than my financial holdings.
I am knowledgeable, willing, and physically able to inspect homes.
I have a great work ethic.
I was born and raised in Central Louisiana, have raised my children in central Louisiana and my children's families are being raised in Central Louisiana.
I have worked in central Louisiana most of my adult life.
I enjoy helping my family, friends, and neighbors.
I am licensed with the Louisiana State Board of Home Inspectors - Lic# 11028
I have a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from LSU.
I have a Louisiana Professional Engineering License - Lic# 25431.
I have 30+ years of engineering experience, repairing and upgrading mechanical and electrical systems, and systematically and methodically analyzing and solving problems.
I am a licensed Louisiana notary - Lic #145318.
I am thorough and detail oriented.
I take lots of pictures.
I am energetic and always do each job to the very best of my ability.
I am constantly learning new and better methods.
I have experience and have had training with home repairs, home building, and general contracting.
I am a member in good standing of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI).
I have passed InterNACHI’s Online Inspector Examination.
I have completed InterNACHI’s Code of Ethics Obstacle Course.
I have taken InterNACHI’s Standards of Practice Quiz.
I abide by InterNACHI’s Code of Ethics.
I follow InterNACHI’s Standards of Practice.
I have completed InterNACHI's Safe Practices for the Home Inspector course.
I have completed InterNACHI's 25 Standards Every Inspector Should Know course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Residential Plumbing Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Residential Electrical Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Roof Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's HVAC Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Exterior Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Deck Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Moisture Intrusion Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Green Building course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Wood-Destroying Organism Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Mold Inspection course.
I have completed InterNACHI's Inspecting Foundation Walls and Piers course.
I fulfill 24 hours of Continuing Education every year.