Before you buy a home, one of the most important areas to be inspected is the electrical system and its components. Our home inspections will include all systems in the home, including the electrical system. The electrical section of our home inspections includes an examination of your entire electrical system from the service entrance conductors to the meter to the service panel and subpanel(s), to the receptacles, lights, and fans. Upon completion of your home inspection, a detailed narrative will be provided, including areas in need immediate attention, recommendations for improvements, and potential upgrade possibilities.
Areas of inspection include:
Inspection of the service drop, weatherhead, and the service entrance conductors
Distribution line tree clearances
Inspection of the service equipment, main disconnect(s) outside (eg. Split unit condenser units) and service grounding
Inspection of the interior components of the service panel(s) and subpanel(s)
Spotting oversized fuses or breakers that could lead to fire
Presence of double tapping in service panel
Inspection of switch and wall outlet operation and condition
Shock or electrocution hazards
Verification that ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are operating properly
Verification that arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) are operating properly
Confirmation of grounding systems (in service panel(s) and at outlets/receptacles)
Verification of the proper placement of smoke detectors.
Testing of smoke detectors.
Inspection of the electrical panel for appropriate labels, amps, and operation
An inspection of wiring in attic, where visible (wire connections not in junction boxes, deteriorated wiring, etc.)
Recognition of outdated wiring, such as aluminum or knob and tube
Identification of electrical wiring and components that may have degraded over time, where visible, such as burn marks behind service panel dead front and burn marks on receptacle covers and switch covers